
目前顯示的是 10月, 2022的文章

海參功效逐個捉 原來海參還能改善失眠睡不著?

海參是什麼動物? 不能不提,十月尾又到了海產當造的季節,大家這個時候都會喜歡吃各種海鮮,而海鮮營素價值高這個我相信不少人都知道,但是你又知道,同屬海產一種的海參,它的營養價值比起其實海上食材還要高嗎?「鮑參翅肚」除了是社會上權貴地位的象徵,原來也結合了營養豐富的四大「海洋寶物」,因為它們同樣極具營養價值!接下來就等我為大家介紹一下,到底海參的厲害之處在哪裡, 海參功效 你又知道 多少?事不宜遲我們往下面看! 海參,英文又叫做Sea Cucumber,係屬於海參綱嘅一種海洋軟體動物,海參主要生活嘅海域範圍非常廣泛,由海邊到深至8000米都會見到佢嘅足跡,以海底藻類同浮游生物作為主要食糧。 海參 全身長滿肉刺,望落外表相當唔吸引,但殊不知其實海參功效相當豐富! 海參的功效原來十分豐富? 中醫對海參的藥用價值評價極高,將海參形容成「甘、咸,溫,補腎益精,壯陽療痿」,海參可以幫助滋補肝腎,同時又能夠強精壯陽,甚至可以治療陽痿,海參絕對係男女老少咸宜嘅頂級 養生 補品。另外,因為海參含有豐富碘元素,係促進新陳代謝、幫助血液流暢嘅一種人體重要營養素,所以對高血壓嘅病患者具有莫大裨益。 經常睡不著?海參還能擊退失眠問題 海參的營養非常多元,醫學研究同時發現,長期進食海參能有效解決陰虛體質,長久來說有助改善失眠 睡不著 嘅問題! 失眠絕對係都市人嘅頭號煩惱根源,瞓唔好令到讀書難以集中﹑工作表現變差,個人狀態愈來愈頹廢,可能連日常社交都無法應付,兩對大大嘅黑眼圈更可能會影響市容,長久來說更有機會造成嚴重嘅身體疲勞!如果有呢個問題嘅人,就一定要好好處理。 其實 失眠解決方法 有好多種,但唔係種種都天然無副作用,有人會依靠食褪黑激素,甚至安眠藥嚟助眠,但其實依賴藥物絕對唔係一件好事,長久來說都係無補於事,更會損害身體,所以要挑選最健康自然嘅方法去處理,而食海參就係其中一種方法啦!

How is Property Investment in London?

Investing in the future: London property investment Property investment can be a lucrative business, with London being one of the most desirable places to invest. Having an established reputation as a global city, London has been regarded as one of the most expensive and competitive cities around the world. London property is always the best option in terms of long-run investment planning. Since property prices in London have been soaring for decades. London has seen an increase in house prices and rental prices, with a recent report from Knight Frank estimating that prices have risen by more than 50% when compared to the past decade, a diverse range of properties for sale can be offered meanwhile. Why Invest in London Property? Some people are worried about Brexit and its potential impact on the London property market. However, there are many reasons why investing in London property could be a good idea, even after Brexit takes place. 1. The area of the Financial Centre Being the capi...